From the very childhood, Subhas had already made Vivekananda his spiritual teacher, who had a great contribution in shaping the principles of his life. The cool, disciplined, obedient and polite mind was unable to withstand the barriers of domination! The fire within came out backed off by Vivekananda’s ideals at mental, physical and spiritual levels. The non-independent India needed a spur of renascence. In the mean time, beyond the theology and lectures on philosophy, the call of freedom for own self- our inner soul, which used to work as a tremendous force in Vivekananda was also grasped by quietist and passive Netaji. The care for motherland made him turn into a leader and take part actively in politics.

Vivekananda’s way of thinking ahead to reconstruct India had a significant impact on Netaji’s mind. Swamiji’s value-based humanistic social condition to distribute wealth aptly, for the interest of masses made Netaji curve the model and path to achieve the egalitarian society based on socio-economic status. Thus he rejected Marxian dialectical materialism and considered the economic principles of Karl Marx. Like other Indian youth, aimed at freedom in foreign hand, Vivekananda’s plan for the spiritual uplift of the nation worked as a formative inspiration for Subhas’ fall for the motherland.
The combined spirits of both dedicating their entire life on defending the glory and honour of India, where one of them is an embodied example stuck to his senior’s ideal, are the never-ending source of courage and motivation for us! Have we still maintained the inheritance? Keeping the socio-political, cultural and religious scenario of today in mind, our further steps in doing over the spiritual revival can get back its answers from their footsteps.
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