Remembering Chuknagar, whose magnitude and intensity is matched only by the Holocaust massacres
Remembering Chuknagar, whose magnitude and intensity is matched only by the Holocaust massacres
On a sultry afternoon in May 1971, Wajed Ali stood exhausted on...
27th March 1971: When it Became Apparent that the Bengali Hindus were the Target...
27th March 1971: When it became apparent that the Bengali Hindus were the targets of genocide
Sumit Roy
On the evening of 25th March 1971, the...
Linguistic conflict on the Internet: Time to recognize Bengali and Bangladeshi as separate languages?
Linguistic conflict on the Internet: Time to recognize Bengali and Bangladeshi as separate languages?
Sumit Roy
Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella’s son 26 year old Zain Nadella,...
‘Bengali Muslim’ As An Oxymoron: Crisis And Conflict Of Identities
Legendary Bengali novelist Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay sets the context in this regard when he remarks in one of his famous literary works,‘Srikanta’, “The Bengali...
From Ekushey to Muktijuddho: The Myth of Bengali Nationalism
In 1964, the entire East Pakistan was rocked by violence against the minority Bengali Hindu community. Anti Bengal Hindu riot broke out across the...
Ten Saraswati Puja traditions that Bengalis are proud of
Saraswati Puja, harbingering the arrival of spring, is widely known as ‘Vasant Panchami’ in the other parts of India. In Bengal, it is an...
Netaji’s Spiritual Vision of India as Superpower
On the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of the greatest freedom fighter of India who didn't leave any stone unturned to shake British empire...
An ancient cult and the associated legends: Where the Goddess, earth and mother become...
After the harsh inflammation of Grishma or summer, as slowly the earth turns moist, lenient and suitable to sustain the new seeds- the time...
Addressing the peculiar impacts of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on Bengali literature
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has composed not a single verse in Bengali. So apparently his contribution to Bengali literature seems to be nil, right? Still his...
Evolution of Durga Puja in Bengal and some thoughts on sacred Arts
When and where the actual Durga Puja started is a matter of debate. From the chapters of Indus Valley civilization, we get the worshipping...