
When the next flood comes will we be better prepared?

Dam after dam gave in to the unseasonably early rainfall in the Haor area (a floodplain depression in the Northeastern region) of Bangladesh. Desperate...

#styleographrecommends 10things to check out at SavoirFaire2017

Hey fellas. I hope you’re enjoying the return of summer season, in style. For I can sum up my definition of Summer in five...

Racist Sayedul Hoque must be ousted

Citizens from all aspects of life and from every corner of the country along with several civil liberty groups have demanded ousting of the...

Justicia has fallen- What’s next?

If anyone wonders, despite recent drastic actions against Islamic militancy, why Bangladesh has been ineffective in curbing Islamic extremism- the removal, or because of...

Thrifty eating in the City- An eat-all-you-can date!

Two doctors and a psychologist- what does this equation add up to? Well, in any other part of the world, under any other circumstances,...

My Hypnotic And Magical Encounter With West Bengal

We had finally packed our stuff with our winter clothes, warmers and the stuff we thought we might require. We were driven via a...

9 Stages of a Bengali’s life in Bangalore

  Stage 1 – Getting ready – A month to launch date You just scored that dream job in Bangalore. Your proud parents have booked your...

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Opinion Columns

‘Bengali Muslim’ As An Oxymoron: Crisis And Conflict Of Identities

  Legendary Bengali novelist Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay sets the context in this regard when he remarks in one of his famous literary works,‘Srikanta’, “The Bengali...

From Ekushey to Muktijuddho: The Myth of Bengali Nationalism

  In 1964, the entire East Pakistan was rocked by violence against the minority Bengali Hindu community. Anti Bengal Hindu riot broke out across the...

Is Bengal Heading Towards A Genocide?

India, it is said, lives in her villages. But she can be understood through the slogans that rents her skies and the way her...