An ancient cult and the associated legends: Where the Goddess, earth and mother become...
After the harsh inflammation of Grishma or summer, as slowly the earth turns moist, lenient and suitable to sustain the new seeds- the time...
The Global Route
Day before yesterday, I came to New York from Delhi. Surprisingly, I feel more at home in New York than in Delhi although it...
A Serving of the real Siam
It is definitely the sign of the times we live in that when anyone declares that they are off on a vacation to Thailand-...
End the culture of impunity
A victory day free from the physical presence of any known war criminal was probably the central theme of this years victory day celebration,...
Bangladesh: Do not legitimize Paedophilia
There is no room for argument, that the child marriage epidemic in Bangladesh is a concern for a leader as ambitious as Seikh Hasina,...
Music makers of my City
Everyone living in this city has a similar memory I believe- a humid summer afternoon, languor hanging heavy in the air, suddenly disrupted by the...
Do not play with our kids future
As school education makes a comeback on the public debate agenda for all the wrong reasons, and none but the Islamic fundamentalists have come...
A violation of child rights
Like every other Bangladeshi kid, I also had to study Islamic religion throughout my high school years while my Hindu friends were studying Hindu...
Nabanita Dev Sen: The Feisty Feminist, Humorist of Post-Colonial Bengali Literature
By Lopa Banerjee
Bengali literature of the post-independence era has most certainly come a long way where women authors have shaped the world in their...
Language across Time
Calcutta Walks thrives upon ongoing conversations with all cultures, and seeks to enrich the experience of being human, by facilitating meaningful exchanges. Language may...